
Why do we need donations?

A large part of our work is funded by grants. Your donation helps us to cover expenses for which we cannot use these grants – either because of the funding regulations or simply because the funding is insufficient. First, this includes many aspects of our infrastructure: from toilet paper to the salary of our administrative team.
We also do some things that are very important to us, but which generate virtually no income. These are primarily our school projects, performances in day-care centres and retirement homes, participatory formats on our rehearsal stage and the dance-along-concerts in public spaces.
Your donation helps us in double ways, because we have to provide a ‘personal contribution’ for every application for funding – and that is often a challenge. Your donation contributes to the budget we can invest in raising additional grants. 

donation receipt

As a non-profit organisation, we are happy to issue you with a donation receipt. If you want this, please send us the following information:

How to donate

The easiest way is to use the following PayPal form. You can specify the amount of your donation and then click the PayPal Button to activate the transfer.

If you prefer to donate via bank-tranfer, please send us an Email. We will send you the necessary banking information.

Machbarschaften Tanzpakt Stadt-Land-Bund

Gefördert von TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.