Schu Bi Du

Table of Contents

stage size
in a theater: mind. 6 x 6 m

The production is adaptable to different indoor spaces. 


30 min


age recommendation
3 and older


Schuh-Bi-Du is a piece about curiosity and friendship and our first production for young audiences! 

When the children come in, two people are already on the dance floor: Billy and Nik. One moves like a waterfall in slow motion, the other drums on boxes and bodies, snapping and singing the whole time.

They are in a cheerful mood and very busy. But Nik is also curious and wants to discover the world. As they set off, they meet Sloppa by complete surprise. She comes out of a heap of shoes and speaks a language that nobody understands.

In fact, the three of them don’t really fit together at all: everyone moves differently, speaks differently (or not at all) and has a different personality. But they don’t care and explore their surroundings together. The follow their curiosity and discover each other.

A trademark of the production is that all the music is created through dance. The performs drum with their hands and feet, sing and make noises. Sometimes the children also help.

Schu Bi Du can be performed anywhere – not only in the theater, but also in any other room where there is enough space.



Tue 29. 10:00 10:40
LOFFT – Das Theater Leipzig Spinnereistraße 7
Wed 30. 10:00 10:40
LOFFT – Das Theater Leipzig Spinnereistraße 7





Gaëtan Farnier

Helene Schuhknecht

Britta Tränkler

Gaëtan Farnier
Helene Schuhknecht
Britta Tränkler

choreography + artistic direction
Sebastian Weber

Gesa Volland

stage design
Michael Hensel

costume design
Nele Sternberg

production management
Gina Zimmermann


Sebastian Weber Dance Company gGmbH

with funding by
Stadt Leipzig, Kulturamt
Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen