The Long Run

Table of Contents

Stage size
10 x 10 m

75 minutes


Age recommendation


In the solo “The Long Run” Sebastian Weber examines his own role as a white man in a black art form.

In the early 1990s, Sebastian experienced the New York tap dance scene as a place that had left racism behind. The black masters of jazz tap practiced tap as a community of solidarity into which they welcomed young Europeans with open arms. “If you have a pair of tap shoes on, you are in!” said Gregory Hines, and his brother Maurice seconded “Dancers don’t see color” – and meant it as a positive.

Thirty years later, a new understanding of racism and privilege is shaking the certainties of that time. Was the community with the old masters an error? If so, how might it be corrected? And are the utopias of that time still thinkable today?

The Long Run is a piece about cultural appropriation and identity, white responsibility and racism. It is also a dance about ephemerality and memory and the body as a archive of encounters and stories.


"An honest piece of self- and social questioning. Carried very sensually by his musicality, his idiosyncratic style."
Dimo Rieß, Leipziger Volkszeitung



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Sebastian Weber


Dance & Choreography
Sebastian Weber

Choreography assistance
Vilma Kananen

Dramaturgical advice
Lia Haraki

Movement coach
Eddie Bruno Oroyan

Set design
Michael Hensel

Production Management
Jenny Schmidt, Tim Rosentreter

Jörg Singer

Sebastian Weber Dance Company in cooperation with LOFFT – Das Theater, with the support of Hessisches Staatsballett in the context of Tanzplattform Rhein Main, a project of Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm and Hessisches Staatsballett

Supported by

City of Leipzig, Cultural Office, Fonds Darstellende Künste within the framework of the NEUSTART KULTUR program and the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony. This measure is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon state parliament.