- Join In
The audience talks offer a space for open exchange between spectators and dancers.
- Dance Along
With our workshops, participants experience the thrill of tap dance and the creative process even without prior knowledge.
- Dance Along
What wine tasting is to wine, dance tasting is to dance.
- Dance Along
We invite students to develop their own movements and choreographies in a workshop on the rehearsal stage of the company.
- Dance Along
What the wine tasting is for wine, the dance tasting is for dance:
in a relaxed atmosphere we present a selection of different scenes from our repertoire. In addition, we tell you how and where these scenes were created, what they mean to us, what is difficult or easy about them ...
- Join In
Open rehearsals are the most intimate exchange between company and audience. You come to our rehearsal space and we show you what we are working on.
- Dance Along
The DANCE ALONG CONCERT is a mixture of party and performance in which all audience members learn a simple choreography in the style of the company together with dancers from the company and dance live with the band!
Gefördert von TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.

Institutionell gefördert durch die
Stadt Leipzig. Kulturamt