The Long Run

For 51-year-old dancer Sebastian Weber, an endurance run on the coast of Italy becomes an inquisition into his own role as a white man in a black art form.
  • Neue Produktion
  • Neue Produktion
  • Neue Produktion
  • Neue Produktion


100 Passions

Stage size10x12m Duration60 minutes Team13 Age recommendation>12 Content What do people need to defy global crises? This question is explored in the experimental world premiere


Caboom is a dance about chaos. About the fears and insecurities that chaos creates. But also about adventure and the opportunities that arise from chaos.


Touch is a bright, inquisitive, sensitive piece about the power of
touch. Touch is a primal language and vital for humans. However, touch is becoming increasingly rare in everyday life – and not just since Corona. And in tap dance, touch doesn’t really occur at all. With Touch we have changed that …

Folk Fiction

In Folk Fiction we invent our own folklore. Sophisticated and archaic, cheeky and celebratory. We invent a collective identity as a wild mix of self-portrait and utopia, inspired by our stories, preferences and desires.


Cowboys is an angry play about populists in power. About the pied pipers who stage themselves as lone warriors against the establishment and are celebrated and sanctified by their “people” for it. It’s about the thrill of violence, the bizarre buffoonery. It is about the power of these underdog stories, and about our role in them …


Billions of other creatures live with us and every finger point, every wing beat has consequences for all the others. The bat embodies the interconnectedness between humans and animals.